Agenda 2014

Conference Agenda

9:00 Morning Session Chaired by Kieran Mullins – Chairman, Irish Waste Management Association
9:05 Pay by weight

  • Why?
  • When?
  • How?

Philip Nugent, Principal Officer – Waste Policy Section, Dept. of Environment, Community & Local Government


9:30 The Circular Economy: what does it mean for the waste and resource management sector?

  • So what is the circular economy?
  • Results of a major survey of CIWM members and waste industry leaders
  • What does the sector understand by the circular economy?
  • How prepared is the waste sector for future changes?
  • What can CIWM do to support the sector?

Ray Georgeson, Director of Ray Georgeson Resources (RGR) and co-author of the Chartered Institution of Wastes Management 2014 report on the Circular Economy

10.00 The Role of Covanta and the Poolbeg EfW in the Irish Waste Management Industry Going Forward

Jens Kragholm, European Vice President, Covanta

10:30 Waste Industry Perspective on new Plans, Policy and Regulations 

  • New Regional Plans
  • New Regulations on Waste Collection
  • New EU Waste Package for the Circular Economy
  • Waste Industry in Partnership with Government

Conor Walsh, Secretary, Irish Waste Management Association

10:55 Q & A Session

11.05 Morning Coffee Break, Exhibition Viewing and Networking

11:35 Legal updates in waste law developments over the last year

  • Recent legal decisions of relevance to the waste sector
  • Practical guidance on key issues arising
  • Likely changes in waste law and policy coming down the tracks

Alison Fanagan, Co-Head of Environmental & Planning, A&L Goodbody

12.00 Let’s Stop Talking Rubbish

  • How are we doing against targets
  • Waste Recovery & Disposal trends – the Good, the Bad and the Ugly
  • Waste generation, trends & outlook – just how much waste are we producing
  • Evolution to urban mining and capturing the resource potential

Dr Jonathan Derham, Head of Climate, Research and Resource Use Programme, EPA

12:25  Current Developments in Waste-to-Energy

  • Policy developments in Europe
  • Market developments in Europe
  • Market Developments in Ireland

Jackie Keaney, President, Confederation of European Waste to Energy Plants (CEWEP) Ireland

12:50 Q & A Session

1.00 Lunch, Exhibition Viewing and Networking (Sponsored by A&L Goodbody)

Afternoon Session Chaired by Enda Kiernan, Chartered Institute of Wastes Managers


Alan Kelly T.D. Minster for the Environment, Community & Local Government


The EU waste management policy perspective

  • Short presentation of the Commission’s proposal on Circular Economy
  • Timeline for the negotiations
  • Update on the first consultations in the European Parliament and the Council

The role of the private sector

How the private sector can contribute to achieving a resource-efficient and sustainable economy:

  • Strengthen recyclability in product design
  • Stimulate the market for recovered materials
  • Ensure fair competition in waste markets
  • Stimulate private sector investment in resource management infrastructure
  • Create a strong reprocessing sector within a global market

Nathalie Buijs, Head Policy Co-ordinator, FEAD (European Federation representing the European waste management industry)

2:40 Ireland Second in Europe for Packaging Recycling – Why?

  • Repak – funding model by members of shared responsibility
  • Behavioural change driven by the polluter pays principle and education
  • Waste recovery operator’s innovation and competitiveness
  • Government recognition of economy size and success to date

Seamus Clancy, CEO, Repak

3:05 Today’s Waste = Today’s Resource

  • Alternative Fuels in Ireland’s Cement Industry, the Facts
  • Sustainability benefits of Co-processing
  • Experience in Europe – the cement industry as part of an integrated waste management system

Brian Gilmore, Sustainability Manager, Irish Cement Manufacturer’s Association


REGIONAL WASTE MANAGEMENT PLANS – Road Map, or Not, to the Future?

  • Philippa King, Southern Region
  • Kevin Swift, Connaught & Ulster Region
  • Hugh Coughlan, Eastern-Midlands Region

4:00 Conference Ends

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