Agenda 2016
Weigher to from here?
November 30th, Carton House, Co. Kildare
Conference Agenda
9:30 Morning Session Chaired by Caroline Walsh, Chairperson, Irish Waste Management Association
9:40 Minister Denis Naughten T.D, Minister for Communications, Energy & Natural Resources
9:50 Waste Policy Updates from the Department for 2017
Kevin O Donoghue, Principal, Waste Policy & Resource Efficiency, Department of Environment, Community and Local Government
10:10 Zero Waste – A Pathway to Prosperity
- SEPA’s new radical approach to regulating – One Planet Prosperity
- This is based on experience with in EPA leadership roles in Australia, Northern Ireland and Scotland
- How eliminating waste completely is the only viable pathway in the 21st Century
Terry A’Hearn, Chief Executive, Scottish EPA
10:40 Financial provision requirements for EPA Licensed Facilities
- Role of Financial Provision in EPA Strategic Plan 2016-2020
- Determination of Environmental Liability Costings
- Financial Provision Instruments
Jim Moriarty, Manager, Environmental Enforcement (Waste), Office of Environmental Enforcement, EPA
11:00 Q & A Session open to the floor
11:10 Morning Coffee Break, Exhibition Viewing and Networking
11:40 Irish and European Updates on Waste Law Developments
Waste law specialist Alison Fanagan of A&L Goodbody will provide her usual insightful and pragmatic update on waste law developments, both Irish and European, in 2016
- Legislation Updates
- Case law
- Policy and prosecutions
- What the legal challenges are for the waste industry and how to prepare for them
Alison Fanagan, Co-Head of Environmental & Planning, A&L Goodbody
12:00 Improvements in Household collection
- Bin Washing
- Contamination Detection
- The Collector’s wish list
John Dunne, Domestic Director, Panda
12:20 Dangerous Goods Road Transport Regulations – How it affects the waste business?
- Legislation overview
- Compliance Issues in the hazardous waste industry
- How to achieve and maintain high level of compliance
Stephen McGarry, Policy and Enforcement Inspector, Chemicals and Prevention Division, Health & Safety Authority
12:40 PANEL DISCUSSION 1 – Brexit – Is it time for an All-Island Waste Solution?
- Jackie Keaney, President, CEWEP Ireland and Vice President, CEWEP EU
- John Quinn, Chief Executive, Arc 21, Northern Ireland
- Kevin O Donoghue, Principal, Waste Policy & Resource Efficiency, Department of Environment, Community and Local Government
- Terry A’Hearn , CEO, Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA)
- Dr Colin Church, Chief Executive, CIWM, England & Wales
1:10 Lunch, Exhibition Viewing and Networking (Sponsored by A&L Goodbody)
Afternoon Session Chaired by Enda Kiernan, Chartered Institute of Wastes Management
2:20 Strategic Challenges facing the Waste Management Sector
- The Human Condition
- Global Drivers
- Three Musketeers of Waste Policy Implementation
- Technology – Circular Economy and Res Efficiency
- Time for a Waste Management Strategy
- The Chain of Industrial Awareness
- The Fiscal Poker Game
- Why is there an investment hiatus in Waste?
- New Thinking Needed in Waste Management
Peter Jones, CEO, Ecolateral UK
2:50 The Waste Management Family
- Key stakeholders in the waste management family in Ireland
- Perspective of the Regional Waste Management Planning Authorities
- Key Relationships that have been developed between Stakeholders and the Regional Waste Authorities
- Progression of the Targets and Objectives of the Regional Waste Plans
- Key waste management Challenges facing the sector
- How the “Waste Management Family” is positioned to deal with these challenges
Mr Kevin Swift, Co-Ordinator, Connacht Ulster Regional Waste Office
3:10 Waste Enforcement Regional lead Authorities – One Year On
Government waste policy as outlined in “A Resource Opportunity” 2012 recognises that to protect Ireland’s environment and the health of its citizens, a consistent and effective approach to enforcement of the regulatory framework is required. The Waste Enforcement Regional lead Authorities (WERLAs) have taken on the responsibility of;
- Co-ordinating and overseeing the enforcement of waste regulation by Local Authorities an An integrated risk based approach to Enforcement will seek to ensure that the environment is not damaged by the activities of rogue operators
- Provide a ‘level playing pitch’ for all stakeholders in the industry
- Seek to balance the need for compliance with the avoidance of unnecessary regulatory burden
Nicholas Bond, Co-ordinator, WERLA – Southern Region, Environment Directorate, Cork County Council
3:30 PANEL DISCUSSION 2 – The Irish Waste Management Industry – Where to from here…….?
- Conor Walsh, Secretary, Irish Waste Management Association
- John Dunne, Domestic Director, Panda
- Kevin Swift, Co-ordinator, Connacht Ulster Regional Waste Office
- Peter Jones, CEO, Ecolateral UK
4:00 Conference Ends