Breaking down the Barriers to the Circular Economy

Thursday, March 6th 2025 Aviva Stadium Conference Centre, Dublin 4

Conference Agenda 

9:00 Morning Session Chaired by Enda Kiernan, Chairperson, CIWM Republic of Ireland


Alan Dillon, T.D., Minister of State at the Department of Environment, Climate and Communications

9:20 Progressing Ireland’s Waste Policy in our Evolving Circular Economy.

Philip Nugent, Assistant Secretary, leading the Natural Resources and Waste Policy function at the Department of Environment, Climate Action and Communications


9:40  European Perspectives on Circular Economy policy developments 2024-29

Aurel Ciobanu – Dordea, Director, Directorate B – Circular Economy
DG Environment, European Commission

10:00  A Newcomers Perspective on the Waste Industry

With over 25 years in Change & Transformation, Deborah has worked in consulting delivering change across both the Private and Public Sectors.  With multiple sector experience in Financial Services, Professional Services, Telco, Retail, Manufacturing & Logistics and Utilities, Deborah will now give her views on Waste Management.

Deborah Woods-Malone, Group Growth Director, Beauparc 

10:20  Legal updates on all that has happened in the waste area, both Irish and European, over the last year

Alison Fanagan SC will provide a comprehensive update on key Irish and EU waste legislation and case law, with a particular focus on barriers to the Circular Economy. In particular she will talk about:

  • Case studies and real world examples to illustrate how those developments are affecting those in the waste sector
  • Recent case law on how Irish Regulators must apply s.15 of the Low Carbon & Climate Development Act

 Alison Fanagan, Co-head of A&L Goodbody Solicitors Environment & Planning Group

10:40 Q&A 1  Progressing Circular Economy Policies in Ireland and the EU.

10:55 Morning Coffee Break, Exhibition Viewing and Networking


11:25 AI and the Waste Industry – What changes should we expect?

Everyone is talking about AI, but the waste management sector might not be the first industry you’d think would experience a big disruption due to this groundbreaking new technology. Ulrikke Lien, founder and CEO of the Norwegian “trash tech” company Sensorita, however, sees some serious changes approaching.

  • How AI could upend the waste management industry
  • Reversing the value chain
  • Turning waste collectors into producers of secondary raw materials

Ulrikke Lien, Founder and CEO of Sensorita

11:45 The Circular Packaging Waste Challenge

  • Pathways to success through stakeholder engagement
  • Societal support through education
  • Business commitment
  • A vision for 2030

Zoe Kavanagh, CEO, Repak

12:05 Deposit Return and support for Circular Economy initiatives

  • An overview of the launch of the Deposit Return Scheme in Ireland
  • Consumer support for circular economy initiatives

 Ciaran Foley, CEO, Re – Turn

12:25 Q&A 2 Drawing Citizens into the Circular Economy

12:45 Lunch, Exhibition Viewing and Networking (Sponsored by A&L Goodbody)

2:00 Afternoon Session Chaired by Des Crinion, Chairperson, IWMA


Turning Off the Tap – How better design can influence the supply chain and contribute to a Circular Economy

  • Tim will base his presentation upon his presidential report

Tim Walker, President, CIWM UK

2:25 Updates on IWMA progress in key areas including recycling rates

  • Comparing waste management in Ireland with other countries
  • Future progress

Conor Walsh, Secretary, IWMA

2:45  Closing the Loop: How to drive Ireland’s Circular Economy forward and keep plastic recycling local

In this keynote Rita Shah, Founder & Group President of Shabra, will explore how Shabra is at the forefront of Ireland’s circular economy—transforming plastic waste into valuable resources while keeping recycling and reprocessing on the island of Ireland.

  • The past approach of exporting recyclables is no longer sustainable
  • How to change the game by collecting, sorting, and reprocessing rPET plastic locally, reducing reliance on international markets and creating a closed-loop system that benefits the environment, the economy and Irish businesses
  • Shabra’s role in Ireland’s Deposit Return Scheme, and the plant’s new hot wash line – the only such facility on the island of Ireland

Rita Shah, Group President, Shabra  Shabra Plastics & Packaging


3:05  Building Capacity and Creating Opportunities for the Circular Transition

  • Building on behavioural frameworks
  • Exploring how citizens are becoming more aware and motivated to engage in the circular economy
  • Where opportunities could be further developed to support them in the transition 

Claire Downey, CEO, The National Centre for the Circular Economy

3:30 Q&A 3 The Way Forward for Ireland

3:50 Conference Ends

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