Des Crinion – Chairperson, IWMA

Des Crinion – Chairperson, IWMA.

Des has been involved in the recycling industry for the past 12 years. He started with Panda as business development manager. His first major project was to acquire Pandas first site in Dublin, attain planning and licencing and complete the initial phase of construction. Des then went on to take over the management of the IPR side of the business in 2008. His first achievement was to secure the  AQSIQ licence which allowed him to export the paper and plastic directly to China. IPR then successfully took over the Dublin City council MRF in 20012. IPR now trade over 330 000 T of recycled material . This includes 280 000T of paper, 30 000T of plastic, 20 000 T of Metal.

Des is a chartered member of the institute of waste management and is a Director of the Irish Waste management association.




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January 19, 2023

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